LeakHive is without doubt one of the worst leaks platforms to use if you don't have an ad blocker. If you were planning to browse LeakHive using your smartphone, I strongly advise you to forget the idea. Pop-ups and banner ads are commonplace on porn sites, because that's how they monetize themselves. However, having ads and especially redirects every time you try to change page can quickly become a real hell, especially if you're using a smartphone.
Apart from this tidal wave of advertising, what does LeakHive actually offer? Well, not much more than its competitors. The home page highlights the latest leaks published on the platform. Clicking on the menu at the top left of the site (if you're using the site with your phone) allows you to more or less sort the content. However, even the filtering is not very effective, and most of the tabs available in the menu redirect to other sites of the same kind, no doubt belonging to the same people who run LeakHive.
In short, I strongly advise against using this platform. There are many other, much better leaks porn sites than LeakHive available on the internet.