Sexy E-Girl proposes a great quantity of leaks coming from different sites. As you can imagine, most of the leaks on the site come from OnlyFans. In case you don't know it, OnlyFans is a platform which proposes to the creators who are registered there, to make pay their contents. The content is not exclusively pornographic, but this is what the majority of creators offer. Three different lists are put forward on the page of Sexy E-Girl: The list of recent leaks, the popular leaks and a list of random leaks.
If you have a specific girl in mind, you can type her name in the search bar to find her nude leaks and other. Sexy E-Girl has a forum tab where creators can promote their OnlyFans or MYM (platform similar to OnlyFans). Finally, you will find on the forum various discussions, threads on Hentai, 3D porn, reviews, links to other sites (like TothPacks), etc.