Javhub is a Japanese porn site or JAV (Japanese Adult Video). You will find on the homepage of the site, the porn videos that other users watch the most. By clicking on the "video" tab at the top of the Javhub page, you can, or at least, should be able to sort the videos. The problem is that it doesn't work very well, when you click on the "category" tab to sort the videos, it always shows you the same catalog. Apart from the fact that the categories don't work, the fact that there are only three is a problem in itself.
However, if you want to sort your videos by order of release, it is possible by clicking on the "order" tab. Javhub's catalog is mostly made of JAV feature films, it is possible to download these videos by subscribing to a paid subscription. This subscription allows you to watch the videos without ads, in an unlimited way and to download them.
However, I find this subscription expensive for what it offers, count 20 € for 40 days, 45 € for 6 months and 60 € for a year subscription. You can totally use the site without having to pay anything, if the ads bother you, use an AdBlocker.