Pornhub now accepts Bitcoin (BTC) and Litecoin (LTC) as payment for its paid service: PornHub Premium.
The company has been accepting the cryptocurrency "Verge" since 2018, and then added several others, but this is the first time the company has accepted the world's largest crypto. Pornhub vice president Corey Price said in the press release:
"As a leader in adult content with over 130 million visitors per day, Pornhub is pleased to now offer two leading and widely used digital currencies to our users. Our team continues to lead the way in developing, testing and implementing new technologies for everyday consumers, well ahead of the mainstream market."
To further expand our cryptocurrency options for Pornhub Premium, we're excited to announce that we now accept Bitcoin & Litecoin as payment methods! 🪙
- Pornhub Premium (@pornhub_premium) September 1, 2020
A currency made for porn
Pornhub is a year older than Bitcoin, having been founded in 2007 in Montreal, Canada. Cryptocurrency and porn have always been mixed in the subconscious of society. This relationship goes back to the pre-Bitcoin days, as many crypto enthusiasts believed that porn would be an early adopter of non-government digital currencies. Satoshi Nakamoto himself expressed similar views in 2010:
"Bitcoin would be convenient for people who don't have a credit card or don't want to use the cards they do have, either because their spouse doesn't see it on the bill, or they don't trust giving their number to "pornos," or they're afraid of recurring billing."
Is this good news in your opinion? Will you take the plunge and buy pornhub premium in bitcoin or litecoin? Tell us in the comments.