Daftsex, the best place to have fun in the evening
Daftsex is one of the most popular porn sites, with over 20,000,000 visitors per month, according to Similarweb. A figure which is just as colossal as the number of porn videos the site offers.
With its streamlined design, the site is easy to navigate. The site's home page offers only the most recent videos, but if you want to find videos with more precision, there's always the search bar or the "Categories" tab and tags for that.
Daftsex closed?
The daftsex.com website offered unauthorized videos from the Mindgeek network, including videos from platforms such as Pornhub, Brazzers, Mofos and others.
Following legal action, Mindgeek won the case against daftsex.com, obtaining $32 million in damages and the transfer of the domain names. Today, daftsex.com redirects to Redtube, another Mindgeek-owned platform. However, sites similar to daftsex.com, such as daft.sex, still exist.
Despite its popularity, Daftsex has already been banned for a while. You'll probably remember if you've used the site before, but for a short time, the site redirected to Redtubea porn site with a black and red design that's also quite popular. So it's only natural that we should add it to this list of alternatives to Daftsex.
Sxyprnis an extremely well known general porn site. Almost 100 000 000 perverts visit this site every month. The site is designed to be practical and easy to use, not necessarily beautiful. It doesn't matter, anyway, you are there to jerk off to the hundreds of thousands of porn videos the site offers, not to its design.
Nearly 200,000,000 people visit this porn site every month, and not for nothing. The site's design is uncluttered, and its content, though free, is of excellent quality. Thanks to its reputation, the quality of Youpornis no longer to be proven.
Why choose Daftsex?
Daftsex is one of the many porn sites that offer free content, so why choose it instead of another. Well, there is no particular reason, it just depends on your preferences. This is also the case for many other sites of the same kind, including those we have proposed as alternatives to Daftsex.
You'll still find some of the usually paid-for videos free on Daftsex, making it a good porn hit.
Today, there are thousands or even more general porn sites that offer free videos, all of which look at what the competition is doing and end up offering the same features and inevitably the same type of content. It is more on the side of the sites Premium porn that you will find novelty and diversity.
To justify subscribing to THEIR site and not their competitors, every premium porn site has to stand out. However, it is not a necessity to pay for access to good content, Daftsex is one of the many examples.
Daftsex.com offers a great selection of porn videos for free without subscription. You like to jerk off but not pay for it? Well Daftsex.com is for you, on it find unlimited adult content for free. The site has a rather simple design, an effective search system and even a button to find videos in random which is rare enough to be highlighted.
Are you up all night until the sun comes out, up all night to get some? If you're up all night to get lucky, remember that you will never, ever get a good sex movie. The various free porn tubes on the Internet have plenty to keep you busy for a while. A good place to stay up all night for fun is Daft Sex.
The site has been around for years now, so it's obvious they're doing something right. Their name is not simple, sexy and catchy enough to attract visitors just by existing. I'm willing to bet that many Americans think the word "Daft" is part of a band name and nothing more. But who gives a shit? Let's see what kind of fucked up movies they have available.
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