On Hot Leak, you'll find nudes and sextapes from your favorite OnlyFans models, such as Belle Delphine, Naimi, Emarr B, and many others. The home page showcases on-trend designers. The menu, located at the top left of the site on smartphones, lets you filter content by popularity or by displaying only videos or photos.
You can also sort a model's content to display only videos or photos by clicking on the "Photos" and "Videos" tabs on its profile. All content available on Hot Leak is downloadable. Simply click on an image or video and press the download button in the top right-hand corner.
As far as advertising is concerned, Hot Leak isn't too intrusive. You'll get the traditional banner ad on every page, plus a few pop-ups that appear from time to time when you change pages. One small drawback, however: Hot Leak doesn't feature a tagging system. If you find an Asian model you like, you won't be able to find a similar model with one click of a tag.
Apart from the ability to filter by photo and video or by popularity, Hot Leak offers no other filtering options, which is a shame.