On JavBus, you will find thousands of Japanese porn videos and feature films. If you like beautiful Asian women and more particularly Japanese, you are served with all the JAV movies that JavBus offers. By clicking on a video you are interested in, you will have all the details of the movie and the possibility to download it with torrent links below the info page of the feature film.
If an actress catches your eye, you can find all the videos she has been in by clicking on her profile under "JAV Idols". If you're interested in the genre of the film, click on the tags under "Genre" to find feature films with that same tag. JavBus videos are only available as torrent downloads, not as streaming, this is a big drawback, not everyone wants to have to hide files full of porn on their computer.
JavBus is available in four different languages, English, Japanese, Korean and Chinese. Although it allows you to translate the info sheets into one of its four languages, the titles of the feature films are not translated. In addition to JAV videos, JavBus also offers porn videos with western women on the "Western" tab.