NSFW247 is a porn site that mainly shares celebrity sex tapes, mostly from platforms such as OnlyFans or Fansly. The home page features the latest videos published on the site. The video thumbnails may give the impression of being a collection of images, but this is not the case. They are actually extracts of images from the video, serving only to preview its content. If a video catches your eye, by scrolling down you'll find a list of tags that will help you find videos similar to the one you've just viewed.
The menu at the top left of the platform gives access to a list of models by clicking on the "Top Models" and "Models" tabs. The other options in the menu are of little or no use, with the exception of the "Most Viewed" tab, which displays the most viewed videos. While browsing the site, you'll be confronted with a number of advertisements. Although these ads are annoying, they help monetize the site. Pop-ups are a real problem, especially when using the site on a smartphone. It's very unpleasant to be interrupted by unsolicited pages when using a porn site.