ThotsLife is a porn site that shares videos and photos of OnlyFans models that have ended up leaking onto the Internet. The site sports a dark black and red theme, and its home page displays the latest leaks published. You can sort the videos by platform by clicking on the "Category" tab in the menu at the top right of the site. The various "categories" available are: Patreon, Snapchat, Instagram, Twitch, Celebrity, Youtube and Fansly. Three additional tabs (Latest, Hot and Trending) display the videos and photos available on ThotsLife according to date of publication, popularity and relevance.
Although the site offers quality content, it does have a few shortcomings, such as the frequent appearance of ads every time you change tabs. Finally, video quality is not modifiable, so if a video has been uploaded in 144p, you'll have to make do with it or find something better elsewhere.