XGROOVY is a general porn site available in 12 different languages. On the home page, you'll find a list of trending videos that adapts to your location. Several tags are located at the top of the XGROOVY home page to help you sort through the thousands of videos offered by the porn site. These tags include well-known porn categories such as MILF, Gangbang, Anal, Animé and Jeun. But you'll also find tags like Top Videos, History or GIF, which will help you find the videos you're looking for with even greater precision.
Even without an adblocker, the site doesn't spam us with too many ads - excellent news for smartphone users. Like most of the generalist porn sites available, XGROOVY doesn't reinvent the wheel; most of its content can be found on other sites, and the quality of some videos leaves something to be desired. However, the site offers a large number of pornographic videos free of charge, and doesn't pester its users with ads.